
Should I marry?

When a person is used to the atmospheres of quiet, peaceful and serene atmospheres where he can paint, sculpt, write music, poems, draw and do everything artistic. When he messes around in his magnificent garden which resembles a botanical garden. When he has cats who sleep most of the day and don't make a sound other than purr and meow. When he listens to music at low volumes, and its intrumental, and all he wants is a woman to share that beautiful atmosphere. I've been told that to marry and have kids would offset that serene harmony that I'm used to and there would not be any more peace, quiet, and solitude any more. Im beginning to think that Introverted Artistically inclined persons are better off being single than to marry. How do you feel?

Should I marry?
You will be making the biggest mistake if you get married... Look at me I have been married for only 9 months and hate it... But I was with him for 5 years and we do have 2 beautiful girls and our life is hectic... It sure is hell ain't quite... And I think we are living a lie... You are better off staying single and living that quiet life... Believe me Sh*t changes after getting married and having kids... Be smart and stay single...
Reply:If you put your work first please do yourself and the woman a favor and stay single. I have a famous artist friend that has been married 2 or 3 times. Their art won out.
Reply:Nope. Do yourself, and any lady a favor, and refrain from marriage, and for sure refrain from breeding. You would only make all of those around you miserable.... including yourself.
Reply:I am alone (divorced) living a quiet life in my ivory tower. Everything is tidy and clean, I don't have anyone telling me what to do, I go and do as I please. You know what: I would give it all away to have a husband, 4 kids, 2 cats and a dog running around and giving a meaning to my life.
Reply:Stay single in your world of quiet, peaceful and serene atmosphere.

Let the rest of us get on with reality.
Reply:its nice to have peace and quiet, but if you allow yourself from getting married or having kids you will most definiely be missing out on what is called life to have somone that makes you complete and understands you without asking any questions is most amazing but make sure she is the right woman for you, and having a child look up at you for the first time and smile or hold your finger is truly the gift from god.
Reply:you may find a wonderful woman that could share your life, but kids would change that big time. be honest with the women you meet and you won't have to choose
Reply:I married an artist type. I was miserable. Unless you are fortunate enough to find a woman who shares your need for serene atmospheres and quiet cats for eternity (and you might), I would not get married. I certainly wouldn't have kids unless you are willing to put a swing set in the middle of that garden and place all your paints and sculptures out of reach.

