
Looking for a park to get married in - Toledo, Ohio?

My fiance and I would like to get married in a park of some sort in Toledo, Ohio in May. It's gonna be really small... just him, me and the preacher... and fairly quick, so we're looking for something at little to no cost. We'd like the Botanical Gardens, but it starts at $400, which is a bit much for less than an hour's worth of ceremony and pictures. Any ideas?

Looking for a park to get married in - Toledo, Ohio?
Why don't you get on the metro parks website http://www.metroparkstoledo.com/metropar... and look at all the various options they have. Plenty of options available to you.

Here's a more direct link for you and it would appear these are cheaper options than the botanical garden:

Reply:Im from toledo also. i have thought of an outdoors wedding. im getting married 6-20-09, but there is this place out in elmore i think..... i seen it at the bridal show. its like 40 acres and it beautiful. ohh but i dont remember the name of it. there is always the the metro parks, and the park where the german american fest. is held every year out in oregon. where are you having your reception at? you can email me and it would be nice to talk to somebody other than family, of what i am feeling. ya know. good luck on finding your site.
Reply:Secor Park (one of the metroparks) is incredibly beautiful for weddings. If you head towards Wildwood, stay away from the manor area, as they charge as much as the botanical gardens.

The other place you may wish to consider is down near where COSI/Portside was.

