
What's the scariest newstory you've ever read??

The scariest story you'll read all day....


ATLANTA — Ponds and swamps are becoming eerily silent.

The familiar melody of ribbits, croaks and chirps is disappearing as a mysterious killer fungus wipes out frog populations around the globe, a phenomenon likened to the extinction of dinosaurs.

Scientists from around the world are meeting Thursday and Friday in Atlanta to organize a worldwide effort to stem the deaths by asking zoos, aquariums and botanical gardens to take in threatened frogs until the fungus can be stopped.


What's the scariest newstory you've ever read??
Actually, the scariest news story I've ever read is something that may never happen. Its if a star nearby our own goes supernova. If that happens within 10 light years from our own star, it will most likely burn off our ozone layer, leaving us completely susciptible to UV radiation from our own sun, which would kill most living things soon after exposure. The scariest thing is there are at least 10 stars within that range that could go supernova anyday and we wouldn't know until we saw it in the sky... scary...
Reply:Hillary Clinton announces candidacy for president.
Reply:That Bush had been re-elected.
Reply:That hillery clinton is running for president. I would much rather hear of the extinction of bill and hillery and all of liberalism than of frogs. Frog legs are excellent eating.
Reply:What you cite here is frightening enough! It's close enough to affect humanity and it's real. And ppl who are a lot smarter than me don't have the answer! I've read some books about bigger things to fear but when things like this happen I'm paying attention!

The worse story I can think of was about Flesh Eating Fungi.
Reply:anything from al gore's mouth. global warming is scary
Reply:"Scientists Find Rings Around Uranus!"
Reply:EEEEK!! I hope scientists are meeting to figure out why the wildlife is dissapearing!!
Reply:I now pronounce you man and wife
Reply:That fact that the polar ice caps are melting, because of polution. If it is not stopped than evernually we will be underwater!! very scary.
Reply:criminals escaping from prison
Reply:The scariest newsstory I have ever read would probably be the salmonella scare in peanut butter. you never know what is in your favorite sandwich spread until it is too late.

