
Where is a good classy place for a bridal shower in Milwaukee, WI area?

We are looking for places to hold a Bridal Shower in the Milwaukee, WI area. The Bride is all about atmosphere and classy. But we don't want to pay the price just want to be a happy medium. Any suggestions?? We have looked at the botanical gardens but can't afford that. Thaks for the help in advance.

Where is a good classy place for a bridal shower in Milwaukee, WI area?
Why wouldn't you have it at your house as you are hosting? That is the normal place (in the South at least).

Have you considered a restaurant? Many restaurants have a back room that they will rent for a very minor price if it isn't key time for them. If you have it during the day when business doesn't pick up until dinner time, you could negotiate a really good deal. Many Japanese restaurants have that side room. You sit on the floor. As long as you order some appetizers or dessert and aren't going to be there during the busy time, I'm sure they would be up for it either without charge or with a very minimal charge. Especially some place where people can order drinks, as long as they are making a profit on alcohol, they usually don't have a charge.
Reply:What about like a tea type party at the Mitchell Park Domes... or a party at one of the park pavilions. I know humbolt park has a nice one and the park is nice also.. most of the park pavilions are like $60 an hour but you would have to decorate yourself...?

